Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Poem Published in Opium 2.0

My poem Rumspringa was published in Opium 2.0. Some of the featured writers include, Lyn Lifshin, Aleathia Drehmer, David E. Howerton, John Rocco, Radames Ortiz and Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal.

The simple layout of this magazine allows the reader to focus on the poetry. Editor Ross Vassilev does a great job in putting an eclectic group of poets together. I urge everyone to check it out here.


Daniel Porder said...

Hey there. I just noticed "Rumspringa" on Opium Poetry and it completely made my night. Excellent imagery, language, line-breaks, story, etc. Nice job, man!

I agree about the simple layout. I like Heroin Love Songs and a few others too for this reason. It has that kind of self-conscious I-Am-A-Poetry-Blog thing going on. It works very well with the type of poems Ross picks.

Nova said...

Congratulations once again! Joanna and I were actually talking about the Amish today. I really like this poem - especially the line "A lifetime of excess wedged into a few months."

Have you been working on any new poems lately?

the amplified bard said...

hey DC. Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking it out. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you liked my poem. I just read yours and made a stop by your blog. Very cool stuff.

the amplified bard said...

hey N,

thanks for the continued support. glad you liked the poem.

yes, i'm working on new poems. i just finished my stranded at o'hare poem. keep an eye out for it.

Wandering Kotka said...

That was a gorgeous piece, I think it really hit on the chaos and confusion that come with not only that time of life but also the huge shock it must be to go out into the world after such a sheltered existence. You really conveyed the opposing poles beautifully.

Congrats on your continued publication!