Friday, May 09, 2008

We Are The Web

Micheal Wesh, a digital ethnographer and professor at Kansas State University, explores the nature of Web 2.0 and the impact of the internet on communication. I post this video because he points out that we need to redefine our relationship to the written word. In an age, where text is no longer linear but fluid, "movable," "flexible," society will have to redefine its relationship to form and context. We must reevaluate our principles and definitions of aesthetics, identity, and information ownership.

How does this affect poetry? Poetry will have to evolve if it is to remain a relevant art form. But how does a poet go about accomplishing this? I pose more questions than answers because as much as I love poetry, I feel that it may be a dwindling art. I do however, believe that there will be future poets who embrace Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 and out of the ashes of print-based media, poetry will rise again like a phoenix, scorching our web browsers, mobile phones and other devices with its ability to adapt to new forms of distribution, new themes and subject matter. Perhaps, there will be epic poems composed using wikis, sonnets delivered as text messages, hypertext poems, etc. I know there are poets already experimenting with these techniques and new way of writing. I just hope that it continues and the thing we love also evolves, perhaps becoming Poetry 2.0.

Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

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